About Us

LCARSP is  proud to be a part of MRTA (Missouri Retired Teachers Association). 

Why become an MRTA Member?  

  • MRTA is a 501(c)(4) not for profit corporation.
  • MRTA is independent, non-partisan, and does not endorse political candidates.
  • MRTA is a grassroots advocacy association of over 27,000 members.
  • MRTA is the largest and oldest education retiree association in Missouri.

MRTA is your pension WATCHDOG
The #1 priority of MRTA is to promote and protect pensions, programs, and benefits of all public school personnel in retirement.  United we stand strong!

The Missouri Retired Teachers Association and Public School Personnel organized in 1960 is the only educational organization in Missouri working exclusively for retired school personnel. MRTA will work actively with government and its entities for beneficial legislation. We shall strive to increase membership until all retirees become members, and always foster good fellowship. We will encourage members to be involved in community affairs and work for worthy educational causes. Our mission is to serve and not to be served.

The Missouri Retired Teachers Association and Public School Personnel is a caring, active, and knowledgeable community. Members give their talents and time to support retired and active public school employees. Members strive to uphold and improve the integrity, value, and mission of our public schools, so that all school personnel may live healthy, vital lives and be secure economically, socially and professionally in retirement.

Our motto is “To Serve, Not To Be Served.”

Membership shall be open to retired teachers of public, private and parochial schools, administrators, supervisors, retired school employees, non-certificated personnel who have worked in educational programs, governesses and tutors. Spouses of members, active teachers and others interested in education may become associate members without the right to vote, hold office or represent the Association.


Dues for active, associate and life members shall be determined by the Assembly of Delegates upon the recommendation of the Executive Board. The fiscal year for MRTA begins January 1 and ends December 31. Renewals of membership are due upon receipt of notice in October of every year.  New members paying dues after May 1 may regard their dues paid through the next calendar year.

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